About the ADS 2008 Survey

For the ADS 2008 survey six topics were identified from discussions with school districts, legislators and business partners. In each case we intend to provide a balanced perspective and explore inhibitors as well as success factors. Certain topics are relevant today, so it was decided to make just such a topical list. You can find research on any of the topics at 123helpme.org.

* Implementation Success Factors in 1:1 Computing
* Learning Management Systems
* Online Assessment
* Student Devices
* Interactive Whiteboards
* Internet Bandwidth

Implementation Success Factors in 1:1 Computing

From ADS 2006 we learned that many 1:1 implementations were viewed as successful. However, we know that some large-scale programs have been failures. What are the underlying causes of success and failure? What are the alternative scenarios in which districts are experiencing success, such as Plano ISD in Texas. In-depth surveys will be conducted at a variety of 1:1 schools. The surveys will be comprehensive and cover professional development, administrative leadership, curriculum software, tool software, assessment software, communications and collaboration software, hardware and connectivity. Conjoint analysis and logistic regression analysis will be employed to the extent feasible.

Learning Management Systems

ADS 2006 identified a substantial growth in online learning with the first-ever five year forecast of this market segment. A more in-depth view of standards, such as SCORM, delivery models, major content areas and infrastructure requirements, including learning management systems, will add to the knowledge base in this growing area.

Online Assessment

The dual drivers of NCLB and ubiquitous computing will be transforming the world of assessment over
the next five years. Who will the winners be and how will they do it? How will online state high stakes
tests evolve? When will separate assessments be a thing of the past? What is required to be successful
in this market?

Student Devices

The ADS 2006 survey clearly hit a hot button when it identified student appliances as the next big
student device. Given evolving form factors and rapid growth rates of some devices, America's Digital
Schools 2008 will provide new and corroborative evidence regarding this market. Comprehensive data on
student device usage and characteristics will be collected from all stakeholders. Conjoint analysis
and logistic regression analysis will be employed to bring clarity to the data.

Interactive Whiteboards

ADS 2006 highlighted interactive whiteboards as one of the fastest growing hardware products in
America's public schools. In ADS 2008 we will delve deeper into the interactive whiteboard market.
Who is buying the product? Who is not? And why? The buying plans will be cross-tabulated with a
variety of factors including size of district, relative wealth, and geography. Customers will weigh
in via conjoint analysis with feature analysis of current and prospective product and marketing

Internet Bandwidth

Continuing with the work done in ADS 2006 we will comprehensively explore the drivers and deliverers of bandwidth. A special emphasis will be made to quantify the drivers at the student and school level. Bandwidth at home will be examined. New technologies such as cellular and WiMax will be explored.

Download the Survey as a PDF file.